Sunday, October 24, 2010


Hey all - that was a great workshop day. I really enjoyed the chance to sit down and work on my stuff for a number of hours. It's not a luxury I can enjoy at work or at home these days, so it's great to have a dedicated time and space devoted not to grading or similar "book keeping" but to doing something that will make my teaching better!
I also learned some cool new tech stuff. I really enjoyed Dave's tutorial on imovie. Getting a handful of tips on how to make use of the program was great (which will certainly snaz up my home videos of Ellie...) but I really liked seeing how he places an emphasis in his classes on intellectual property rights. It's a fascinating topic, and one that I realize I should think more about. I showed the website "creative commons" to my wife, who does research in a law firm, and she was excited because they are always looking for pics and what not that they can use without violating copyright restrictions. Educating my students about IP can provide them with a great real world skill as well as an increased sensitivity to a serious 21st century concern.

Thanks Dave!


  1. I found that particular presentation helpful as well. I got a good start on a demo project for my students. I agree it was quite a luxury to just have time to work. At the middle level students are just starting to use internet sources. The Creative Commons resource is one I heard of a number of years ago but had forgotten about. Intellectual Property rights will certainly be important to consider as I work with my students on various projects and research. It's almost a foreign concept to some who are used to using what they like from the internet.

  2. Yes, thanks so much for the the demo on digital stories and the opportunity to work, with tech help at our finger tips! I really appreciated the time to explore, try new sites, and chat with others about their teaching practice. I'm looking forward to continuing my on line journal and blending the implementation of a new writing curriculum with a variety of digital projects!
