Monday, October 25, 2010

Newspaper writing

I struggle most with what LABEL to use here and not sure this is the right one; however, I was guided to not create new ones so I will just go with assignments for now.

I am doing a project with my college English Language Learners (ELL) on Letters to the Editor. It is a digital project, in that they must do it online for it to be sent to the paper. It is fascinating to see how hard this is for them...not the digital part but the Writing to Persuade/Give opinion part. As students from many countries where this is NOT common, they really wonder, "Is it OK to write these things?"

Fascinating lesson in history, democracy, and writing all at once. Anyone who has ideas how to combine these issues, I welcome it. Very interesting to do this, and it happens every semester.


  1. Rosemarie, thanks for sharing. That is interesting, and I don't know if I would have anticipated that. I bet you will learn so much about your students through this assignment! My question is, will writing digitally and for an audience positively impact their writing?

  2. The first printing of their letters comes out today. I will see the affect this has on them. I do know that it had an amazing impact on their DESIRE to write when they knew they would actually see it "in print". That matters, yes?
