Thursday, August 26, 2010

An online book I'm enjoying...Make Me a Story

You can read this book in its entirety right now at the Stenhouse website. It's geared towards younger kids, but it's interesting and I think all levels could adapt it to fit their needs.

"Just as writing can be a process of discovery, so can digital storytelling, where images, words, and music all work together to create meaning."
-- Lisa Miller

I really like that Lisa Miller, the author, uses digital storytelling as a tool to motivate her students to write, while keeping the process of writing the most important aspect.


  1. Kim, this link was a treasure for me. As I think about having my students create digital stories again this year, I need to remember that it begins with the writing process. This is just the resource I need to do it better this year. It's on my list of "next book to buy." Thanks!

  2. I checked out the link today. It looks like a good resource. I have been thinking of adding a digital component to my students' multi-genre writing. This gave me an idea of how that would look. It's great to be able to check it out before you buy. Thanks.

  3. I watched the examples today and it looks like a helpful tool. I wonder what the writing voice looks and sound likes compared to the oral voice sounds like. do you know what i mean. we speak different than we write, so are they writing as they would speak, it doesn't seem so.

  4. This looks really useful for me - Thanks!!

  5. Kim,

    Thanks for the link, I just checked it out. I love Stenhouse, the fact that it's a Maine company with lots of great resources. The digital storytelling with younger writers looks to really engage those reluctant writers!
    I think I may purchase it with my literacy $.
