Monday, August 23, 2010

Fishing for ideas...

So, every year with my freshman (I teach two freshman honors classes this year) I do an autobiography assignment first thing. This idea isn't really mine - it comes from Rich Kent. It's a great way to establish a relationship with my students. I incorporate the writing back part of this assignment - in which you write a little letter back to each student, rather than simply make corrections and assign a grade. It's time consuming, but pays back big dividends in terms of interpersonal connection. ANYWAY - this year I'd like to really inspire my kids to do the assignment in a multimedia fashion. I opened it up to this last year, and gave the kids a number of choices, but with the exception of one student, all of my kids chose to simple write out a story. This is fine, but I'd love to get them to do something more multi- media. I think it might help to have exemplars to give them an idea of what I'm after, so that they don't just stick with the "tried and true." Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  1. How about modeling a multi-media product to introduce yourself? Have you ever created a digital story? It's really not that hard, and you could keep it short and simple. The kids would probably love it. Just a thought!

  2. I agree with Jenn- I have 8th graders; if I don't show samples of what I'm after, they are out to lunch...and when I DO have samples, they jump all over something "different" than the "boring" old paper. Digital stories (created through iMovie) are great for Autobiographies, as students can use photos of themselves to go along with whatever story they choose to tell

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  4. Hey-I posted to this thread the other day and it's gone-strange! Well-I suggested you create one of your own life and first share your written one-then the digital. Here's a link with some samples.

  5. I posted a comment on this thread Monday, but I don't see it here. Maybe I didn't do it right. I had suggested possible brainstorming what a multi-media autobiography might look like. I also liked the idea of a sample as long as students didn't feel restricted by it.

  6. Hey thanks for the suggestions - doing one of my own life is a good idea. Two years ago I did that, and it was well received. Last year I did it again - and - nothing. Weird. Different group of kids. Maybe they were just uncomfortable at first. Anyone have ideas/ samples of such stories. Thanks

  7. For other examples try and check "multimedia" A search for Bronx give one that uses just photos, music and voice over and is fairly memoir-ish. I'd note that not everything on this site is suitable for 9th graders.

  8. Oh thanks - I'll check that site out now!

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  10. I also teach 9th grade and the first assignment was for kids to brainstorm questions and interview each other. I compiled the questions of all five of my classes and then wrote a photo essay about myself, which I shared as a model.

    Students interviewed their partners, organied their information and wrote essays which they presented. Now that they have Netbooks and the ability to take photos and access online images to add to their drafts, I hope to see them turn their biographical articles into photo essays.

    As I go over their unpublished drafts, I think I will add the response idea and see how that enhances the future product.
