Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Late Introduction...

Hi Everyone,

I want to take a quick minute to introduce myself before I begin making posts on our blog and you are thinking...."Who IS this random person?"

I am Kaili Phillips (used to be Kaili Jordan); I think I know a few of you from undergrad or graduate courses or the Writing Project. Upon registering for this course I had already booked flights to visit family and attend a wedding on Aug 21, so was unable to attend our first session.

I look forward to participating in conversations online and meeting you all next time we meet.


  1. Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Oldenburgh-I teach in Orono (2nd grade) and live in Enfield. I'll see you in October!

  2. Hey Kaili! Great to have an old friend from MWP '08. I've wondered where you ended up. Congratulations on your marriage. Looking forward catching up with you.

  3. Welcome Kali, I had wondered who that random person was. I'm Gina Doyle and teach 7/8 grade ELA at Sebasticook Valley Middle School in Newport. I look forward to meeting you in October.

  4. Glad to know you. I'm a HS teacher in Ellsworth.
