Saturday, August 28, 2010

Your Brain on Computers

It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon but I still find myself running inside every half hour or so to check my phone, check my email, look at news headlines, etc. And I have a new ipod touch so I'm obsessing over that when I could be in our kayak tied to the dock not more than 100 yards away. Sound familiar? I've been thinking a lot about the downside of the digital age. My friend Lori sent me the following link
about students being unable to think deeply. I fear that this connected world is having an effect on the way we read and think, and therefore the classroom. Another interesting article I just read presents the research to back it up.

It seems that like everything else, we need to set boundaries for ourselves and our students. With that being said, I'm off to the lake. Enjoy the final days before you jump in with both feet.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

An online book I'm enjoying...Make Me a Story

You can read this book in its entirety right now at the Stenhouse website. It's geared towards younger kids, but it's interesting and I think all levels could adapt it to fit their needs.

"Just as writing can be a process of discovery, so can digital storytelling, where images, words, and music all work together to create meaning."
-- Lisa Miller

I really like that Lisa Miller, the author, uses digital storytelling as a tool to motivate her students to write, while keeping the process of writing the most important aspect.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Late Introduction...

Hi Everyone,

I want to take a quick minute to introduce myself before I begin making posts on our blog and you are thinking...."Who IS this random person?"

I am Kaili Phillips (used to be Kaili Jordan); I think I know a few of you from undergrad or graduate courses or the Writing Project. Upon registering for this course I had already booked flights to visit family and attend a wedding on Aug 21, so was unable to attend our first session.

I look forward to participating in conversations online and meeting you all next time we meet.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Assignment 8/10

1. Post weekly to the blog and comment on three other people's posts
2. Read three articles ("Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture," "Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project," and "Action Research")
3. Post your inquiry by September 20th
• Here is my question
• Here is my plan of execution
• Here is what I need for help at our next meeting (coaches, next meeting, etc.)
• Post to at least three other people’s inquiries with helpful criticism

Inquiry Ideas

What a start!

Inquiry Questions:

• At the elementary level how do you sustain the writing process in order for young authors to move from “all done” to engaged writers?
• What would rehearsal/pre-write look like with two different (culturally/age) groups using a digital media such as skype?
• How would incorporating digital media opportunities enhance canned writing programs?

• At what age do we make the transition from pen to computer?

• How would incorporating digital media opportunities enhance traditional writing programs?

• How does the digital format change the writing process? (and the writing workshop)
• How does a student’s writing change when they need to communicate in a multi media mode?
• What is the relationship between digital writing and multiple intelligences?

• Does the use of iMovie improve student’s investment in their writing?
• Can a blog help students look more deeply at their reading?
• Can digital storybook writing increase student understanding of concepts?
• Will the use of digital communication improve/expand class discussions?

• How will my students work and my classroom environment change through the use of google docs?

• How does the addition of digital imagery inform how students understand the theoretical triangle?
• How can online collaboration improve the revision process
• How can game theory and student creation of games improve reading comprehension?
• How can games be a mode of communication?
• How does recognition of persuasive techniques help improve student persuasive writing?

• What benefits could incorporating digital media and writing strategies provide to my students as they strive to improve their writing and to myself as I strive to find ways to better facilitate my students’ development as writers?

• Would the use of Google docs simplify/improve the editing process for me ELL students?
• Does video/imaging help my ELL writers develop enhanced voice/expression/vocabulary

Fishing for ideas...

So, every year with my freshman (I teach two freshman honors classes this year) I do an autobiography assignment first thing. This idea isn't really mine - it comes from Rich Kent. It's a great way to establish a relationship with my students. I incorporate the writing back part of this assignment - in which you write a little letter back to each student, rather than simply make corrections and assign a grade. It's time consuming, but pays back big dividends in terms of interpersonal connection. ANYWAY - this year I'd like to really inspire my kids to do the assignment in a multimedia fashion. I opened it up to this last year, and gave the kids a number of choices, but with the exception of one student, all of my kids chose to simple write out a story. This is fine, but I'd love to get them to do something more multi- media. I think it might help to have exemplars to give them an idea of what I'm after, so that they don't just stick with the "tried and true." Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Contact Information

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Something to Consider for Back to School Planning

In light of the fun and appropriate "warm-up" activities Bailey did with us yesterday, I thought I'd pass this along. I instruct a seminar for student interns and this was passed on to me by my boss at the University to share with them-but I think it's great for all of us to be reminded of how sensitive we should be about some of the back to school assignments we ask kids to do. Bailey-I really liked both activities but especially the M & M one because I got to know many of my colleagues in a short time!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Great Resource


Hello everyone. This is the blog we'll use to stay in touch between meetings. Please take some time each week to create a post and respond to any three posts from others in the program. It'll be a help, especially during those long winter days when we're trying to figure things out.

Oh, and always a help: Bookmark the Blog!