Saturday, January 1, 2011

How to Copy and Paste Text from Word

I wrote several pages of text for my resource and was able to begin creating it, but...I am not able to load my text so it is in the correct format. I have tried all the options: 1) Copied and pasted in the text box. 2) Copied, pasted, then chose disable rich text. 3) Copied and pasted into the "paste from word" box. 4) Copied and pasted into the "paste from word" box, then chose disable rich text.
None of these will make my text go from left to right-I get a line with one word, then the next line might have 5, so on and so forth.
Any help would be great so I don't have to retype all of my text.
I also tried to load an imovie. It says it has to be in a format other than what I have (.m4v). I don't know how to change to the format they want. My movie is also more than 50 MB, is there a way to compress it? Thanks for helping!

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